If you are looking for an investment that will yield a high return, Amudim’s
Unite to Heal Campaign is the place to be advertising!

To view some of this years segments visit UnitetoHeal.com

When Unite to Heal first launched in 2020, even we could not predict the response it would receive. Our 36 hour live stream event features Comedy & Musical Superstars as well as unparalleled insights from leading voices in Israeli Affairs, Mental Health, Community, & Religion.

Live streamed to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, Unite to Heal has become one of the largest viewed events WORLDWIDE.

Watched by millions

In the last year alone, Unite to Heal was streamed to over 1.4 million devices during the 36 hour live campaign.

Event Spotlight

Once the event is over, the segments will remain on the campaign website, media platforms, and the social media channels. The sponsors’ logos will remain prominently on the segments.
To date, segments have been received a total of 3.8 million views.


Sponsors’ logos will be prominently displayed on the event segments, advertisements, website, and promotional emails, as well as be announced and displayed throughout the event.

Partner with Amudim to keep your community safe.

We are offering sponsorship packages for our Unite to Heal Campaign specifically to help individuals in your community. 

Our sponsorship package includes:

Did you know?

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