Healing the Harm That Began at Home
August 18, 2023

They say a mother’s job is never done. Even in the best of circumstances, our children need a continuous stream of affection, security and support. But when the foundations are cracked by a damaging source, it can take more than even the most dedicated parent’s love to help his/her child move forward.

Rachel* reached out to us for guidance, referrals and financial advice regarding the help her son desperately needed. A single mom with full custody after a contentious and difficult divorce, Rachel saw that Yossi*, her 12 year-old, was struggling with the pain and trauma he had endured at his father’s hands.

Since the age he could walk, Yossi had been shoved and pushed around, with the physical abuse only escalating as he got older. It was a home filled with yelling and tension, and after over a decade, Rachel was finally able to escape; thankfully, the courts supported her battle to restrict her ex-husband's access to the children. Although Rachel was doing her best to mend what had been broken for so long, Yossi was clearly in need of help to work through the abuse he had endured.

Our case manager listened to Rachel’s story and was able to find a trauma therapist near their home, and Yossi began twice weekly sessions within a few days following the call. She also guided his mother through the process of starting a fundraising page to seek donations to fund Yossi’s therapy. Rachel had already taken Yossi to two therapists who took her insurance; but after they made no headway, one of her colleagues suggested that she call Amudim for guidance. Aside from setting up Yossi’s treatment plan, the case manager and Rachel spoke about getting her into therapy as well, and how important it would be to care for herself and maintain open and honest communication with Yossi as they continued on the path to healing.

Baruch Hashem, Yossi is taking forward strides; and while he still needs time to process and heal, with continued support, he will hopefully find his way to living the happy and stable life that every child and individual deserves.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending August 18, 2023
121 New Matters Addressed This Week

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

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