Unconditional Support
October 28, 2022

A parent’s work is never done. Seeing a child in pain never gets easier, nor does our desire to help lessen, even if we don’t know how. But there is no shame in asking for assistance; and it’s never too late to get a person back on a healthy track.

Several years back, Ari’s* mother, Lisa*, reached out to us about her 29 year-old son. After being bullied when he was younger, Ari had developed extreme anxiety, which had gotten worse to the point that he was isolating himself and refusing to talk to anyone. When Lisa realized that nothing was changing and having seen an ad for Amudim in her local newspaper, she decided that it was time to see about getting her son some help. We suggested several therapists, and Ari found one whom he felt he could trust and began weekly sessions. It seemed like things were beginning to improve.

A year ago, at the referral of Ari’s therapist, we received a call from Lisa that circumstances had spiraled downward; her son was now only emerging from his room when everyone else was asleep and was unable to function during the day.

It was obvious that the parents needed support; their case manager suggested they hire an interventionist to coax Ari into entering an in-patient program, someone who would fly with his client and help him through the door.

Ari was livid; our case manager spent hours on the phone with his parents and the treatment team, coaching and negotiating, hoping to convince Ari to stay in treatment. It was a difficult beginning; but we were able to negotiate a plan with which Ari felt comfortable, and he became willing to engage in the healing process. Lisa and her husband began therapy as well; and the changes that the family had yearned for slowly became apparent.

It has been a long journey with numerous setbacks; but we are excited to report that four years after that initial phone call, Ari is now living semi-independently, attending an outpatient program and holding down a steady job. His parents note that they have all grown closer as a family and are grateful that they have their son back.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is a phone call away and here to help.
*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending October 28, 2022
105 New Matters Addressed This Week
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Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

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In the words of our founding chairman Mendy Klein Z”L
“When you abuse a child, the child keeps on living, and what you’ve done is put a knife in the child’s heart, and the child keeps on living”

At Amudim our goal is two fold.
We work with survivors of abuse, and try to get them the help and support they need.
At the same time we work on education and prevention so we can break this cycle of abuse in our community.

Help support our mission by donating today.
#abuse #child #ptsd #mentalhealth



TRIGGER WARNING - A Life Worth Living: A Mental Health PSA by Amudim.
Anxiety and depression can express itself in many different forms.

To all those who feel alone it it, know that it is ok to reach out for help.

What you feel now does not have to be your story.

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