New Resource for Jewish Addicts Enhances Passover Observance
April 7, 2022
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Cedarhurst, NY—March 20, 2022. Rabbi Shais Taub, a popular speaker on spirituality and recovery and bestselling author of “God of Our Understanding: Jewish Spirituality and Recovery From Addiction” is launching his new book, The Four Cups: A Recovery Haggadah. Jews all over the world will be celebrating Passover on April 15. For many of them, the ritual meal or "Seder" means avoiding the traditional four cups of wine served at the meal. But this year, Rabbi Taub hopes that Jews in recovery from addiction will find special reason to celebrate the anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt.

The traditional book that accompanies the Passover meal is known as a Haggadah. Rabbi Taub has compiled and edited submissions from Jews in recovery from addiction sharing their insights into the spiritual message of Passover and its connection to recovery. Beautiful and elegant in format, the 115-page, hardcover book combines the traditional text of the Haggadah with commentary written in the parlance of 12-Step recovery. Included are practical tips for conducting a Seder for those in recovery and their supportive loved ones.

The Haggadah has both the actual Hebrew & English Text with step-by-step instructions as well as commentary to inspire those (and the families of those) who are who are early on their recovery journey as well as those “old timers" who are already familiar with the world of recovery.

“Our hope and goal for this Haggadah is that every person connected to the world of recovery, particularly recovery centers, intensive outpatient centers, sober homes and anyone who has loved ones battling addiction have this Haggadah as the main Haggadah at their Passover table," said Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman, the book's producer.

“Like the 'Big Book' of Alcoholics Anonymous which is a compilation of many contributors, our hope is that while it is my voice giving a uniform sound to the book, this book will continue to expand with more commentary in the future," said Rabbi Taub. Submissions of content for insights to be added in future editions may be sent to

The Four Cups: A Recovery Haggadah is available at and will be on shelves of Judaica stores in the coming days.

Contact Rabbis Nechemia Schusterman or Shais Taub via the website

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