A Whole New World
August 9, 2024

Click Here to see our Weekly New Case Chart
Chazaq Tisha B’av Marathon

An informed parent is one best equipped to face the complexities of raising children in 2024. With all of the positive advancements, there is a parallel dark side to what is available to today’s youth. But knowledge is power; and taking the time to really know your child can be one of the most powerful tools to protect them.

Seth* had been acting strangely for weeks. He would suddenly begin spewing strange words or dancing on the table and then just as quickly stop. His parents didn’t know what to make of this, but Seth insisted he was just joking around.

Things soon got worse. Seth accused his siblings of stealing and plotting against him. He told his parents that he had been kidnapped as a child. He became violent. At that point, Amudim received a panicked call from Seth’s parents.

Our case manager suggested that Seth’s parents search his room, where they found several vape pens scattered among his belongings; the case manager told Seth’s parents to take him to the emergency room and explain that they suspected a THC overdose. Seth’s parents were shocked to learn that large doses of the active ingredient in marijuana can induce psychosis and require critical medical treatment. At the hospital, Seth was immediately diagnosed with an overdose and given the proper care. He was admitted and remained in the hospital for several days.

Seth’s parents convinced him to speak with our case manager, who talked with him about his drug use. Seth described himself as an “occasional pot user” who had been vaping more than usual due to boredom. Thankfully, Seth’s experience compelled him to seek help but was not bad enough to incur permanent damage. Seth has begun working with a therapist to learn healthier coping skills; he and his case manager are in regular contact every week.

Today’s weed is not the same as forty or even twenty years ago; THC levels are higher and more potent, and ease of access has led to a large number of medical emergencies. We must be vigilant and aware in this ever changing world in order to best protect our children.

If you or someone you know is in trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending August 9, 2024
56 New Matters Addressed This Week
Across 3 Countries Worldwide,
7 States and 22 in the USA
Copy of Emergency Israel - 1

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

World Mental Health Day Quote Instagram Post (1)

At Amudim, we understand that shame often follows trauma, making it even harder to cope with the pain and struggles. No one should face the added burden of shame for simply being human and having vulnerabilities.

Remember, added shame doesn't help anyone heal faster; it can make things worse. Be the kindness and support others need.


This Week

Join us for one of the largest Tisha B’av programs in the world

🔥Chazaq Tisha B’av Marathon
🚨18+ Speakers
📍Join Us in Queens at Beth Gavriel (Forest Hills)
🎥 Watch @ Chazaq.org/Live
📞 718-820-7284 EXT 46

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