Everything, whether physical, emotional or external, is interconnected; and the domino effect we see in so many aspects of the world and people’s lives is significant. While it can seem like everything is under control with someone facing a chronic struggle, shifting factors can alter the status quo quite suddenly. We have to find a balance between living our lives while remaining vigilant in watching for those developments and asking for help when needed
Shana* reached out to us after her 8 year-old daughter, Dini*, began acting out aggressively at home and was refusing to go to school. Dini has a history of anxiety and ADHD and has been treated for these diagnoses for several years; but this was an unusual escalation in her ongoing struggle. And Shana needed reassurance and guidance about how to help her daughter.
While Dini was already seeing a therapist through a local clinic, it did not feel like the right fit. Our case manager suggested that Shana request a new practitioner at the clinic who could better address Dini’s anxiety surrounding going to school. It was unclear whether a new situation had arisen to trigger Dini’s behavior; but we wanted to get her the best care possible to address the issue and support Dini and her family.
Our case manager also referred Dini to a child psychiatrist to address the acute and heightened anxiety symptoms and to determine whether Dini’s medication that had been prescribed by a previous doctor needed to be adjusted or changed. Six weeks in, Dini is currently seeing a new therapist and has returned to school; aside from one incident, she has been happy to go off each morning and is already appearing more serene and content. While we recognize that Dini is dealing with challenges that must be continually monitored, we are happy to see the positive turn; and Shana reports that everyone in the house is rallying together and around Dini.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.
*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.
Every child encounters moments of overwhelm, where the world's buzz becomes too loud. During these times, a 'Time-In' can be a soothing balm. Transform a small area of your home into a calm oasis with snug pillows, a favorite blanket, or a basket of books and quiet activities. Encourage your child to retreat here when they're feeling anxious or overstimulated. This special spot isn't for timeout or punishment—it's a place for self-regulation and emotional grounding, a personal haven where they can press pause and engage with comforting, peaceful activities. By creating this safe space, you're teaching your child healthy coping mechanisms for life's ups and downs.
#TimeIn #CalmCorner #MindfulParenting #EmotionalWellness #AnxietyRelief #KidsSafeSpace #SelfRegulation #PeacefulParenting #MentalHealthMatters #HealthyCoping