Courage to Change
November 22, 2024

Click Here to see our Weekly New Case Chart

TRIGGER WARNING: Childhood Sexual Abuse

How did I get here?-question that haunts almost every individual at a high point of pain or personal struggles. Unraveling that answer can entail a process including shame, guilt and anger, even though we often know that these emotions are not the ones we need to harness in order to heal. But with the right support and a sincere desire to change, there is always hope for a lighter future.

Pinchas*, a 31 year-old married father of three, had a dark history stemming from his being molested as a young teenager. This led to his experimenting with his sexual identity and an eventual pornography addiction. Unfortunately, Pinchas never sought help or treatment; and the harmful behaviors followed him into his marriage. After several years, Pinchas finally confided in a friend who had been through similar circumstances that he was trying to work on himself to become a good father and husband, but that the financial costs were beyond what he could afford. His friend suggested that he call Amudim.

Pinchas spoke with a case manager and explained his history and current struggles. He and his wife were both in therapy; but it had reached a point that without assistance, at least one of them would have to stop their sessions. This was the last thing Pinchas wanted, and his case manager reassured him that he would do everything possible to expedite applying for funding through Project Heal, a sub division of Amudim that subsidizes therapy for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Thankfully, Pinchas was accepted, and he was able to continue treatment without pause.

At this point, Pinchas continues to attend a 12 step program and has been sober for almost two years; he is still working on healing from the trauma of his past and the damage to his family that his subsequent actions caused. Pinchas and his case manager remain in regular contact and have discussed other funding options for after the Project Heal subsidy ends. Pinchas is determined to keep working towards a brighter future for himself, his wife and his children.

If you or someone you know is in trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending November 22, 2024
76 New Matters Addressed This Week
Across 6 Countries Worldwide,
8 States and 20 Cities in the USA

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


Let’s Run Together to Create a World Where Everyone Can Get to the Finish Line

Our weekend package includes:

  • Roundtrip airfare to Miami from anywhere in the US or Canada
  • Three nights' stay at the Hilton Aventura Miami, including fully kosher meals
  • Guaranteed race admission and all race fees covered
  • Transportation from the airport to the hotel and between the hotel and race venue
  • An inspiring Shabbos experience with the Amudim staff and special guests
  • Pre-race and post-race parties to celebrate with fellow runners
  • An exclusive Run for Amudim T-shirt

Our weekend will feature incredible guests, including:

Olympic-trained runner Beatie Deutsch, Social media influencer and mental health advocate Alyssa Goldwater, Parent Mentor and Child Safety Advocate Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Renowned singer Yanky Lemmer, and more, making it an experience you won’t want to miss!

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