The Body Always Knows
February 10, 2023

All trauma leaves scars, whether physical, emotional, or a combination of the two. The mind and body will eventually let us know in a myriad of ways that something is wrong, even if the causes are deeply buried. The good news is that when we heed these signals and seek out support and the right resources, a path to finding wholeness again is always possible.

David* reached out to us seeking help for himself after having been admitted to the hospital for malnutrition based on an eating disorder. The story that emerged was a sad one; David grew up in a home with parents who were sexually and emotionally abusive, and he didn’t even know there was another way of life out there. This was just the way it was and he had to deal with it. As the years passed, David developed anxiety and dissociative behaviors; by the time he was 18, he had developed an eating disorder as well, all consequences of the pain he had endured. While David eventually sought out a therapist for help, his struggles felt too difficult to overcome; and when he called us from the hospital, he was desperate for guidance.

David originally called asking about options for residential eating disorder programs; but as he and his case manager spoke, his life history emerged and it was clear that there were many issues to unpack and address.They discussed taking each issue one step at a time and began exploring different areas where David could begin healing and finding the right skills to live a healthy life.

It has been a long and multi-pronged journey. David did two stints of five months each in an inpatient treatment program to address first his eating disorder and then his anxiety and trauma. Each time, he then stepped down to an intensive outpatient program to continue treatment. Finally after more than a year, David felt well enough to begin building an independent life; and he continues to see a therapist on a weekly basis. We have kept in touch with David throughout the process; baruch Hashem, he is doing very well and working on establishing the foundations for a successful and happy future.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is here and ready to help.

Week Ending February 10, 2023
115 New Matters Addressed This Week
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Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


Tonight, the 19th of Shevat, marks the 2nd anniversary since we lost Rabbi Dr Abraham J Twerski זצ״ל.
Rabbi Twerski made our work helping Orthodox Jews fight addiction possible and was a guiding light for Amudim



“When Amudim approached me with the challenge of releasing a song that celebrates Mental Health, I considered it an amazing opportunity.
Here is the powerful song we produced- Eyes of Glass”

- Simcha Leiner

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