Alone is a Hard Place To Be
February 17, 2023

People face all too many challenges and pain every day; and while resilience can be found in the worst of circumstances, without any support, it is almost impossible for someone to fight past the hand he/she has been dealt. Amudim is here to ensure that every individual knows that there is someone who cares and is happy to provide resources and assistance.

Shani*, 23, feeling isolated and helpless and with nowhere and no one to turn to, reached out to Amudim after seeing one of our case stories on Instagram. She had been sexually abused by a close family member for several years; and when she finally worked up the courage to confront her attacker and tell her parents, they sided with him and kicked Shani out of their home. She soon became depressed to the point that she could not hold down a job; and with no relationship with her family or siblings, Shani felt truly alone.

Our case manager immediately saw the state of crisis Shani was in and the lack of support in her life. She reassured Shani that in taking the first step of making that phone call, she had found a source of guidance that would get her the help she needed.

Shani’s case manager worked tirelessly to locate a safe place for Shani to live and where she would be supported while she received treatment. Through Project Heal, the majority of Shani’s therapy would be subsidized; and we found a mental health practitioner trained in working with abuse victims and with whom Shani felt comfortable.

As Shani progressed through therapy, her case manager maintained weekly contact, providing supplementary psycho-education and brainstorming with Shani about the best next steps to ensure a long term successful and happy outcome.

Two years later, Shani is now working part time and has almost completed the credits for an associate’s degree. She is living with a supportive roommate and is feeling hopeful about her journey of healing and her future.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and ready to help.
*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes.

Week Ending February 17, 2023
101 New Matters Addressed This Week
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Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


“Trauma creates change you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose.”
–Michelle Rosenthal

#trauma #healing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #support


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