TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal thoughts/ideation
Asking for help can be extremely difficult; but it is also one of the most courageous things a person will do. And as we continue to increase community awareness to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, more individuals will hopefully get the proper support.
Aliza*, now 24, grew up in a home with a verbally abusive father and mostly absent mother. She has a history of severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and has been living with her married brother after leaving her house several months ago. When Aliza called us, her initial request was about finding a new therapist; but after speaking with her for several minutes and hearing Aliza express suicidal ideation, the case manager realized the severity of the situation. Thankfully, Aliza gave permission for her brother to join the call, and together, they decided on getting her admitted to the hospital, and she went later that day.
This was not Aliza’s first time in the hospital, and she was fearful of going in without a plan for what would come after her release. The case manager validated these emotions and explained that this fear demonstrated a positive desire for real change. He reassured her that while she was being treated, he would work with her brother to determine the best path forward.
During Aliza’s week-long stay, her brother and case manager spent several hours discussing whether residential treatment or local outpatient care with additional therapy made the most sense; every individual case involves various factors that must be addressed. Aliza left the hospital and entered an excellent inpatient facility, where she made great progress. And while Aliza never told her parents anything about her experience, before she left the treatment center, with the assistance of her therapist, she felt ready to reach out and speak with them at length; and they were finally receptive to hearing what their daughter needed to express. While there is still a long and complex journey ahead, we are hopeful that Aliza has taken some amazing steps towards finding a healthier future.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.
*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.
Let’s Run Together to Create a World Where Everyone Can Get to the Finish Line
Our weekend package includes:
- Roundtrip airfare to Miami from anywhere in the US or Canada
- Three nights' stay at the Hilton Aventura Miami, including fully kosher meals
- Guaranteed race admission and all race fees covered
- Transportation from the airport to the hotel and between the hotel and race venue
- An inspiring Shabbos experience with the Amudim staff and special guests
- Pre-race and post-race parties to celebrate with fellow runners
- An exclusive Run for Amudim T-shirt
Our weekend will feature incredible guests, including:
Olympic-trained runner Beatie Deutsch, Social media influencer and mental health advocate Alyssa Goldwater, Parent Mentor and Child Safety Advocate Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Renowned singer Yanky Lemmer, and more, making it an experience you won’t want to miss!
Join Now: run4amudim.com