Helping a Child Heal
April 5, 2024

Click Here to see our Weekly New Case Chart

Things are not always as they appear. A seemingly healthy and content individual might be battling a slew of invisible demons. But it’s generally only so long before these issues start rising to the surface, impossible to ignore. Yet with someone who cares enough to notice and seek advice and support, there is always a way forward out of the dark place in which a person feels stuck.

Lori*, a 42 year-old mom of three, believed that her family was stable and happy and that her children were thriving; but several months ago, she saw that her teenage son, Jacob*, was exhibiting concerning behavior patterns. He was leaving the house and returning at very late hours and beginning to self-isolate when he was at home, sometimes locking himself in his room for days and distancing himself from his childhood friends. After a few weeks of these troubling signs, while straightening her son’s room, Lori discovered that Jacob was struggling with substance abuse and a gambling addiction. Lori’s world was shaken, and she felt that she had nowhere to turn. Her family was suffering, and she didn't know how to help them.

After confiding in a close friend about what was happening, Lori first learned of Amudim’s existence and resources of support. That day, she called us looking for assistance with her son. After a long and compassionate conversation about Lori’s family dynamics and Jacob’s struggles, our case manager referred Lori to an amazing therapist who works with young adults suffering from addiction and related harmful behaviors. Jacob was initially hesitant, but after we gave him the option to begin virtually, Jacob agreed and has since been attending weekly sessions. He and his therapist are exploring what triggered Jacob’s entry to this world and how he can free himself from it.There is a long road ahead for Jacob to recover and learn the coping skills and tools needed to navigate his daily life; but Lori finally feels that she is on the path to getting her son and healthy family dynamic back.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending April 5, 2024
55 New Matters Addressed This Week
Across 3 Countries Worldwide,
7 States and 20 Cities in the USA

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

Simple Black and Yellow 5 Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs Instagram Carousel Post (1)

Empowering our children starts with respecting their autonomy and teaching them that their boundaries matter. This April, as we observe Sexual Violence Awareness Month, let's commit to fostering environments where children feel safe, respected, and heard.


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