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Stand For You - By Eli Schwebel
January 21, 2022

Dear Amudim family,

Two months before we released Stand For You, Israel Schachter, the project’s executive producer, told me “Eli, this song will save lives. You’ll see.” Today, I am writing to you to share the profound healing unfolding before my eyes.

Writing the song, I kept asking myself, “How can I tell a story without telling it? How can I write my own story, while giving the space for all who listen to hear their own?

This dichotomy was the great challenge of writing “Stand For You,” the irony of writing and singing a beautiful song to dignify the tragedy of silence and never-ending purgatory. And yet still give listeners hope? At the time, I didn’t think it was possible.

But here we are today and I am full of joy and sorrow at the overwhelming response. There were over 1000 messages and phone calls, but this one hit me hardest:

Hi Eli.

Just wanted to thank you. I am a sexual abuse victim and survivor. You’re song literally saved my life. When the story of Chaim Walder suddenly came up in the news a few weeks ago, I took it very hard. I became very depressed. And then he killed himself. And people were still blaming the victims for lying or coming forth. And then a victim killed herself. I couldn’t take it anymore. I became very suicidal and was crying the whole time. Who will listen to my story???

I was taken into the hospital. I was not in control, no one was able to get thru to me. I didn’t let anyone get close to me. I was done. And then Amudim posted something and it popped up in my feed. I watched it. I watched it again. And again. I couldn’t stop.

It was your song, Eli.

You broke the barrier between me and the people around me. I started crying.

You saved me.

I wish I can thank you more than words of appreciation.

I hope this song continues to give the silenced the courage to speak, and to let the lonely know that when you feel like is hope is lost and you don’t know where to go, or who to call Amudim will Stand For You.

Call 646-517-0222

Deep Blessings,

Eli Schwebel

Week Ending January 21, 2022
203 New Matters Addressed This Week
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Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


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Three All NEW episodes that premiered during Unite to Heal.
Featuring Jewish leaders, celebrities and public figures competing in this entertaining televised game show. Visit for more information.

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