Rebuilding the Future
March 24, 2023

Some things are broken beyond repair, and not every relationship can be salvaged. There are also times when it is best to walk away, such as with abuse; and we cherish the victories of helping free someone from a painful situation. But saving a marriage and family is also precious; and when it is possible, a mutually desired outcome, and occurs in a meaningful way, that is also something to be celebrated.

Reuven* reached out to Amudim after seeing our ad in a local Jewish publication. Married for 18 years with 3 children, Reuven was struggling with how to move forward. His relationship with his wife had been floundering for some time, and she had recently admitted to being unfaithful. While this was a heartbreaking discovery, Reuven did not want to leave his wife; he felt that the foundations upon which they had built a life together were worth saving, and she agreed. They faced a daunting task and had no idea how to begin.

Our case manager listened to Reuven’s story and offered emotional support and reassurance, noting that every couple’s situation is unique. He told Reuven that if both spouses are interested in repairing the relationship, then with the right help, there is certainly hope for the future. Also worth mentioning is that our role is not to judge or influence a person’s decision; we are here to offer what guidance we can in order to help someone find his/her best path forward.

Our case manager worked with Reuven and his wife to find an experienced marriage therapist; the best fit for them was not someone local, so they began therapy over zoom. Reuven has also begun individual therapy to work through the many painful and difficult emotions involved in the process.

The couple has a long road ahead to rebuilding trust, rediscovering why they chose each other, and finding new reasons and tools to establish a marriage based on stronger ground. Thankfully, they are slowly making progress in healing the wounds and repairing what was broken. While there are no guarantees, they are both grateful for a chance at a new beginning.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Hi All,

I would like to begin by thanking each of you who took the time to write us an email this morning. While you voiced certain concerns, which were reviewed, considered, and help us grow, it was also appreciated how many of you commented about the great work that the dedicated staff of Amudim provide.

Amudim's daas Torah, under the leadership of Harav Elya Brudny Shlit"a, creates policies for Amudim practices.

Amudim's organizational policy is to follow our mandate by assisting all who reach out for help, without strings attached or fear of judgment.

When clients ask our staff anything pertaining to Halacha, they are advised to seek guidance from their own Rabbinical authorities.

The purpose of the weekly newsletter is to inform members of the public of what we deal with on a regular or occasional basis.

Oftentimes we include topics that are uncomfortable, for the purpose of raising awareness, which is also a mandate we follow. The hope is that by generating awareness, we can find ways, as a community, to address these vital issues.

We hope this clarifies the concerns we received regarding this morning’s email, as always, we appreciate your input.

Thank You and Good Shabbos.


Week Ending March 24, 2023
132 New Matters Addressed This Week

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

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Thank you Daily Giving

In 2022 Amudim received generous donations from @dailygivingorg in the amount of $62,648.

These donations were used for Amudim’s Case Manager Sponsorship Program and helped 186 individuals get the help they needed.

Daily Giving is the Tzedaka Fund of the Jewish People.

Their mission is to enable every Jew to easily perform the mitzvah of tzedaka every single day, and to disburse those funds to deserving Jewish non-profit organizations around the world on a daily basis.

Become a Daily Giver by visiting


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