Under Pressure
September 16, 2022

Some of the cases we handle, once closed, stay that way; our clients’ situations have hopefully improved and our work is basically done. But many times, we receive calls from individuals we have helped in the past who have relapsed or are seeking support with something new. And while this can be far from ideal for the person in crisis, we are happy that he/she at least knows where to turn, and try our best to help navigate through the newest challenge.

As summer was approaching, Dovid*, a 38 year-old father of four, found himself falling back into old and damaging habits. The increased pressure of paying for camp, still paying off the past year's tuition bills, regular expenses, as well as an upcoming child's wedding, led Dovid back to gambling, an addiction with which he had struggled and coped for several years.

We had worked with Dovid before; and thankfully, he decided to reach out once again for help. He was hoping to find a local Gamblers Anonymous meeting that he could attend, as well as a therapist for both himself and his family. He realized that his relapse would place an additional emotional burden on his wife and children; and even during his darkest struggles, Dovid did not want to abandon them or neglect their needs.

Our case manager worked with Dovid to find the appropriate resources; and he has been regularly going to both therapy and group GA sessions. His wife has also been extremely supportive, and has joined him for several appointments so that she can better understand how to be there for her husband while taking care of herself and the kids.

As summer came to a close, Dovid called to share that he is doing much better and has found helpful tools to manage his stress without turning to gambling; he is looking forward to celebrating the upcoming wedding of his son, and he is grateful that he can do so from a healthier place.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and is here to help in any way possible.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes.

Week Ending September 16, 2022
120 New Matters Addressed This Week
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Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


September is #NationalSuicidePreventionMonth! ❤️

Imagine if we could run hand in hand toward a world without suicide. A world where we all have a greater understanding of mental health. One where people can reach out when they are struggling and then get the help they need?

Amudim is here to ensure every community member facing a crisis has a place to turn. Providing meaningful assistance, support, and direct referrals for individuals, families, and communities impacted by sexual abuse, substance abuse, mental illness, and any other crisis-related matter. We foster innovation by raising awareness and implementing community-wide educational programs.

This year, #Run4Amudim will be joining the Miami Marathon on January 29th to raise money for those struggling with Mental Health and Addiction.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone.
Contact Amudim today.


Narcan Training
Overdose Prevention and Awareness

Learn how to save a life.

Each participant will receive a free Narcan Kit!

Event is completely free. No registration required.
For questions email odprevention@amudim.org

This Week

Narcan Training
Overdose Prevention and Awareness

Learn how to save a life.

Each participant will receive a free Narcan Kit!

Event is completely free. No registration required.
For questions email odprevention@amudim.org




  • Family Dynamics: Supporting Loved Ones* - Debbie Akerman, PhD, LCSW
  • Dual Diagnoses: Substance Use & Mental Health* - Jeffrey A. Berman, MD, DFASAM
  • Gambling & Gaming* - Ike Dweck, CASAC, CPGC
  • Legalization of Marijuana & Current Trends - Sergeant Frank Gallucci, BCPO
  • Crisis Management & Jewish Community - Rabbi Zvi Gluck
  • Technology & Social Media* - Akiva Goldschein, PhD
  • Trauma & Addiction* - Nathaniel Nagelblatt, LCSW
  • Sex & Pornography* - Binyamin Tepfer, PhD, CSAT-S

For more information contact info@jewishccsa.org

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