Building a New Staircase
September 29, 2023

While it might seem complicated, there is actually a pretty straightforward formula to raising healthy and happy children: a safe and loving home, a school that addresses the academic and social/emotional needs of each child, and a support system in place to deal with challenges that might arise throughout the journey to adulthood. While there are unfortunately parts of that equation that can break down, our mission is to provide the necessary resources to get every individual back on track towards fulfilling the goal.
Sara* reached out to us before the summer after speaking to a friend whose daughter had been helped by Amudim. She was calling about her 12 year-old son, Yoni*, who was in desperate need of therapy or a higher level of care but refusing to consider it. Yoni was verbally and emotionally abused by his father for many years, including religious taunts and impossible restrictions that no child could be expected to meet. Sara was concerned about her son’s mental wellbeing, as well as the more practical challenge of what Yoni would be doing for the summer.
It took some planning and coordination on the part of our case manager and Yoni’s mother, but we were able to find a wonderful therapist who uses woodworking as a means to reach his young clients; and Yoni eventually agreed to try a session. Thankfully, it was a good fit, and he began seeing his therapist on a weekly basis. In terms of camp, the case manager made some calls and found an option located within two hours of their home that was happy to accept Yoni and was able to address his individual concerns. Yoni had an amazing summer and is already in a much better place several months after his mother’s call.
Since camp ended, we have been working with Yoni’s therapist, Sara and the head of the camp to find a school best suited to help Yoni grow in a healthy and stable environment. His mother finally feels hope for her son’s future; and with continued therapy and support, we have faith that Yoni will continue on his path of healing and becoming a happy and balanced adult.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.
*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending September 29, 2023
111 New Matters Addressed This Week
Across 3 Countries Worldwide,
7 States and 17 Cities in the USA

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.

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Join The Marathon For Mental Health!

Our program includes:

  • Roundtrip airfare to Miami.
  • 3 Nights accommodation at the Hilton Aventura Miami including fully kosher meals.
  • Guaranteed race admission and payment of the race fees.
  • Transportation from the airport to the hotel.
  • Roundtrip transportation to and from the hotel to the race on coach buses.
  • Inspiring Shabbat with the Amudim Staff
  • Pre-race and post-race parties.
  • A Run for Amudim T-shirt

Sign up:


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