Slippery Slopes
April 28, 2023

Not all stories end happily; everyone has to be on the same page about wanting things to get better. Amudim offers support at every junction in a person’s journey; we won’t give up on exploring all avenues of healing for families who need help

Baila* reached out, panicked about the financial emergency she was in because of her husband, Daniel’s*, actions. Our case manager conducted a full intake to unravel the backstory that had led to this point.

The problems began early in the marriage. First, it was weekly lotto tickets, which eventually led to buying hundreds a month. The situation advanced to Daniel’s playing online poker at night and then stumbling through the day like a zombie. Baila begged him to stop, but Daniel insisted he knew what he was doing. After weeks of not functioning, Daniel lost his job and began trading in cryptocurrency; he used and lost all of the couple’s savings.

Baila had enough. She called Amudim asking how to protect herself. Our case manager connected Baila with a financial advisor who helped her prevent Daniel from taking out loans or credit cards in Baila’s name. We also recommended a family support group and gave her names of Jewish women in recovery who could empathize and help Baila clarify her next steps.

With the help of her therapist and case manager, Baila stood strong and told Daniel that unless he took action to change, she would leave. Even this was not enough. Daniel left for Las Vegas on a three day bender, and when he returned, Baila was gone.

This was the right decision, as Daniel finally realized that he had reached rock bottom. He called Amudim and was assigned his own case manager who aided Daniel in finding treatment. It took several months, but Daniel is now attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings and trying to make amends. He and Baila are in marriage counseling; they are still separated but are working to see if they can find their way back to each other in a healthier place. We are grateful that both husband and wife are healing, and who knows? They may still find their happy ending.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to help.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes

Week Ending April 28, 2023
117 New Matters Addressed This Week

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


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